Best PUBG Sensitivity Settings For Android
Hello PUBG lovers, looking for the best PUBG sensitivity settings for Android you are at the right place. PUBG Mobile is known for its realistic gameplay and mind-blowing game physics despite being a mobile game.
It becomes more realistic when you find every weapon in PUBG has a different recoil setting, which further muddles the game’s fun. Thus, it also makes it challenging to control the recoil of those weapons.
Let’s find the best PUBG sensitivity settings for Android to control recoil. I played PUBG on both the Android and iPhone operating systems. To be honest, controlling recoil on iPhones is way easier as compared to Android but do not lose hope.
The difference is not that huge since practice makes a man perfect. If you choose the best weapons and the right sensitivity settings you can also become pro at controlling recoil.
Mastering PUBG Recoil: Best Sensitivity Settings for Android
Two Finger vs. Four Finger Claw
Two-Finger and Four-Finger Claw are the most used control settings around the world. You must know which PUBG control settings work better to control weapon recoil.
With regards to PUBG control settings, players should keep in mind that even mastery over controls won’t make any difference if you do not work sufficiently on your ability.
So here’s an examination of the different control choices one can use to play PUBG.
Two-Finger / Thumb Control
The most used and common control setting is the way we began playing the game. This control setting is easy to use and learn. Two Finger players are good at aiming but by day passing players are getting aggressive they are moving and aiming at the same time.
I remember my PUBG earlier days when I started with Two-Fingers settings. It helps in controlling aim but it also makes it difficult for your player to move while firing. Also, it does not work well with Gyroscope.
Though, Asimaltan Yucel is well-known for his two-finger gameplay in PUBG Mobile. You can also become a pro with this setting. It’s all about practice.
Four-Finger Claw
The new most used control settings by pro players. It is difficult to get a grip on Four Finger Claw Settings but once you are done with the grip you become a pro player.
This setup helps you control your aim even when you are moving. It works well with gyro too. In my opinion, with four-finger claw controls, you can make your gameplay better as compared to two-finger players.
I switched from two-finger to four-finger claw and that was the best decision. I would you should also give it a try.
What Is the Best Gyroscope or Without Gyroscope?
One of the most asked questions is “Gyroscope or without Gyroscope”. Millions are asking this question yet are confused.
No one can answer this or me as it’s all about practicing. Let me give you a ratio of pro players regarding this question. I’ve played and seen it in tournaments most pro players prefer Gyroscope.
I would also say Gyroscope is better because you can control your recoil without using your fingers. So controlling recoil with gyro and making your movement with your finger sounds like a pro player. It requires practice and time but it is worth it.
Best PUBG Settings For Android
Here you will find the best PUBG Settings for Android. In my opinion, the best setting is Four Finger Claw with Gyroscope, it’s the best setting for a new era. It helps you control recoil, make a player move, and set aim. Just like a pro player. Below are the best settings for Android users:
Best PUBG Basic Controls Settings
Set basic controls as shown in the image below.

Best PUBG Buttons Settings
Customize your buttons as they are key to becoming a pro player. My favorite Four Claw Setting is below.

Best PUBG Sensitivity Settings
This is the main part that helps you control your recoil so set it according to your setting. My favorite no-recoil sensitivity settings are below.
Best PUBG Screen Settings
The sensitivity screen settings come with Camera and ADS Sensitivity.
Camera Sensitivity
Affects the sensitivity of the camera when the screen is swiped without firing.
- 3rd Person No Scope: 135%
- 1st Person No Scope: 130%
- TPP Aim: 40%
- FPP Aim: 40%
- Red Dot, Holographic, Aim Assist: 55%
- 2x Scope: 40%
- 3x Scope: Win 94: 26%
- 4x Scope: VSS: 22%
- 6x Scope: 18%
- 8x Scope: 14 %
ADS Sensitivity
Affects the sensitivity of the camera when the screen is swiped while firing. Can be used to keep the barrel down.
- Separate Settings: Disable
Camera Sensitivity ( Free look )
- 3rd Person Camera: 140%
- Camera (Parachuting): 140%
- 1st Person Camera: 120%
Below are images of Screen Settings.

Best PUBG Gyroscope Sensitivity Settings
The Gyroscope Sensitivity comes with Gyro, Gyro sensitivity, and ADS settings.
Set the Gyroscope as ALWAYS ON.
Gyroscope Sensitivity
- 3rd Person No Scope: 330%
- 1st Person No Scope: 380%
- TPP Aim: 30%
- FPP Aim: 20%
- Red Dot, Holographic, Aim Assist: 380%
- 2x Scope: 330%
- 3x Scope, Win 94: 190%
- 4x Scope, VSS: 180%
- 6x Scope: 130%
- 8x Scope: 90%
ADS Gyroscope Sensitivity
Set as disabled.
Below are images of Gyroscope Sensitivity.

There you have it, fellow PUBG enthusiasts! Equipped with the knowledge of the best PUBG sensitivity settings for Android, you’re now ready to take control of your recoil and elevate your gameplay to new heights.
Remember, it’s all about PRACTICE and finding the settings that work best for you. Head to the training ground, experiment with different configurations, and fine-tune your skills.
With dedication and perseverance, you’ll soon become a pro player capable of outmaneuvering opponents with ease. So gear up, jump into the battleground, and show the world what you’re made of. Happy gaming!
See Also: PUBG Mobile Free UC: Here’s How to Get Unlimited UC